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ArcGIS Workflow Manager

March 26, 2025 | 11 am - 12 pm IST

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Business processes can be resource intensive as they typically span desktop, web, and mobile platforms, and involve several teams and departments. Discover how to transform common business processes and improve visibility across your organisation with powerful automation tools in ArcGIS Workflow Manager.

ArcGIS Workflow Manager is a scalable workflow management system that automates and simplifies many aspects of performing and managing GIS and non-GIS work in an organization. It optimizes GIS operations by providing real-time tools for managing people, processes, and products required to complete work. It drives improvements in production efficiency by maintaining standardized, centralized, and repeatable workflows across your organization to reduce errors and inefficiencies and save time.


Key takeaways

  • An overview of ArcGIS Workflow Manager
  • Task Automation
  • Task Assignment
  • Workflow Management
  • Tracking & Monitoring
  • Notifications
  • Integration with ArcGIS Pro


Who should attend?

GIS Professionals, Project Managers, Team Leads, GIS Managers/Administrators, Spatial Data Analysts, IT Professionals, Decision Makers, GIS Educators/Trainers.



Ajitkumar Raosaheb Babar
Esri India

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