Spatial Statistics in ArcGIS

Spatial Statistics in ArcGIS

July 12, 2023 | 11 am IST onwards

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Spatial Statistics in ArcGIS

Spatial Statistics in ArcGIS - From Cluster Analysis to Analysing Space-time data


Whenever we look at a map, we inherently start turning that map into information by finding patterns, assessing trends, or making decisions. Harnessing the power of spatial statistics in ArcGIS enables you to answer questions confidently and make informed decisions beyond mere visual analysis. Moreover, did you know that ArcGIS Pro provides a comprehensive suite of statistical tools for analysing spatial distributions, patterns, processes, and relationships?

While there may be similarities between spatial and nonspatial (traditional) statistics in terms of concepts and objectives, spatial statistics are unique in that they were developed specifically for use with geographic data. Unlike traditional nonspatial statistical methods, they incorporate space (proximity, area, connectivity, and/or other spatial relationships) directly into their mathematics. 

These tools can help us answer questions like:

  • Did sales increase after marketing in a particular location?
  • Are Global Temperatures changing over time?
  • Where do we see similar patterns in employment rates across the past year?
  • When did the trend significantly change?
  • What will be future value of water levels based on the current trend?

Key Takeaways

  • Spatial Statistics in ArcGIS – An Overview
  • Statistical Cluster Analysis
  • Techniques in Spatial Statistics that leverage machine learning methods to perform cluster analysis.
  • Preparing your data and aggregating it into a space-time cube for Space-Time Pattern Mining
  • Modeling Spatial Relationships and Making Predictions

Who should attend?

GIS professionals, Statisticians, industry professionals, researchers and students working across several verticals to uncover patterns in data and looking to understand statistical tools in ArcGIS. 



Saranya M,
Esri India