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February 8, 2024 | 11 AM - 12 PM IST

Training Webinar: Analysis in ArcGIS Online

Perform powerful analysis in the cloud

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Analysis in ArcGIS Online

ArcGIS Online provides a robust, cloud-based environment to explore data, answer questions, and deliver actionable insights. In this training webinar, discover the latest ArcGIS Online analysis capabilities and get a guided tour of popular tools, user type and role requirements, and data visualization using charts. We will demonstrate the enhanced analysis experience in Map Viewer and share tips to enhance your projects. Explore how you can share information in an interactive and highly engaging manner using ArcGIS Dashboards and ArcGIS StoryMaps. Learn how ArcGIS supports a complete field data management workflow—from the office to the field, in the field, and back to the office. The concepts and workflows discussed in this webinar also apply to ArcGIS Enterprise.


Key takeaways

  • Choose appropriate analysis tools based on your data and the questions you need to answer.
  • Jump-start and enrich an analysis project using ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World content.
  • Analyze feature layers to find locations, reveal patterns, and perform proximity-based analyses.
  • Efficiently create a dashboard and design its layout.
  • Display dynamic data, attribute data, maps, and charts on a dashboard.
  • Create and configure web maps for map-based data collection and surveys for form-based data collection.
  • Design a story based on your purpose and audience.
  • Attend the webinar and start creating and sharing maps with a free 21-day trial of ArcGIS Online.

Who should attend

GIS Professional, mapping organizations, remote sensing specialists, hydrologists, and researchers working across verticals to uncover patterns in the data.


Vibhu Sinha
Senior Manager - Pre Sales
Esri India

Sourish Kar
Assistant Manager - Pre Sales
Esri India