Every Community Aspires to Be a Smart Community

Can Your Community Actually Become Smarter?

There comes a time when community leaders struggle to make their community more efficient and smarter. Forward-thinking organizations institute policies and procedures that enable them to make data-driven decisions, maintain constant awareness of community activities, and stay connected with all of their constituents.

Effective smart communities do so by applying a hub approach that connects people with the information and technology to drive improved quality of life, innovation, and better choices. Get the most out of your location technology investment by exploiting a combination of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, big data, inclusive apps, and community feedback to gain previously unimagined insight.

Use the power of location intelligence to strengthen the six core objectives of an optimized smart community

See how your peers use location intelligence to make their communities smarter


GIS as a collaborative Platform of Smart Cities

Dr. Sultan Singh, Chief Geospatial Officer, GMDA

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Esri's approach to GIS fosters collaboration and innovation

With the right process, people, and technology, any community can become smarter. From the smallest towns to entire nations, location technology helps organizations share information to drive initiatives and improve services. Connect with Esri for a wealth of resources that elevate the essential characteristics of progressive, smart communities.

System of Record

Create an authoritative, digital twin of your community by connecting disparate systems through location.


Data-Driven Decision-Making

Stakeholders source reliable data to develop ideas and to intelligently assess and accomplish goals.


Collaboration Across Departments

People connect to information via web apps and data portals to work together and drive solutions.


Civic Engagement

Impartial and forthright data helps governments gain the trust necessary to build consensus in their priorities.


Real-Time Awareness

Monitor live events as they occur to afford managers the insight to react swiftly and intelligently.


Jump-Start Your Smart Community with the Secrets to Success

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