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displaying 19 results

Making Authoritative Geospatial Maps and Datasets Available to Indian GIS Users

Esri India, in collaboration with various government and private data providers, has invested in publishing authoritative geospatial maps and...

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GIS for effective waste management in city of Varanasi

Disposal of waste from urban setting has always been big challenge from the time of first urbanisation...

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Highlighting Policy Maps using Effects

Policy Maps concept is a unique effort by the mapping community to bridge the spatial data gap in the policy making domain...

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India Urban Observatory on ArcGIS Hub

Policy making and effective governance are critical for a developing nation. Adding spatial components makes designing policy...

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ArcGIS to Publish the Mosaic Dataset

The mosaic datasets are used to manage, display, analyze, serve, and share imagery and raster data.

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ArcGIS Enterprise users can now participate in the Deep Learning Revolution with ArcGIS Deep Learning Studio

As the world of GIS continues to evolve, we have seen an increase in the number of organizations who are adopting new technologies to improve...

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Understanding Interconnectivities in Ration Card Transaction Data with Knowledge Graphs

This blog will introduce ArcGIS Knowledge, the knowledge graph and graph analysis capability for ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Pro that makes...

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Geo-enabling a Sustainable Future: Esri India at UNWGIC 2022

The Second United Nations World Geospatial Information Congress (UNWGIC 2022) opened on October 10, 2022, in Hyderabad.

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Publish Your Own Routing Services

Routing services allow you to perform six types of analysis on transportation network and each...

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Pothole Detection System Using ArcGIS

This blog describes an approach to detect and locate potholes using high resolution imagery and deep learning tools in ArcGIS Pro Image Analyst.

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