State and local government sector background 2


Person helping a child ride a bike, dark map with brightly colored dots and regions, a building, and map with shaded areas

e-Governance has emerged as one of the driving forces for the Government by enabling the administration to re-design and improve its existing processes, connect with citizens and facilitate interactions with and within the society. The combination of readily available Internet access and spatial information through GIS enables the government authorities to provide a new level of service to both businesses and the public.

GIS-enabled Services


Applications for economic development, land development, licensing, or permitting. 



Applications for online information on government services and to streamline interaction for accounting and feedback. 



Applications to improve the amount, quality, and speed of information exchange within and among various levels of government. 


Government-Citizen Communication

Better communication to enable governments and citizens for using resources more wisely. In addition, it also allows agencies to collaborate on large-scale planning problems and respond to emergencies.

Communication to governments and citizens

Success Story

DFS strives for larger coverage

DFS strives for larger coverage of financial services using Esri India ArcGIS : Using spatial analytics to understand human needs and providing public services accordingly is not a new practice. In developed countries, the government agencies have been using it from quite some time.

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